
Tamar Manuelyan Atinc
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Chandrika Bahadur
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Thomas C. Barrett
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Haroon Bhorat
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Margaret Biggs
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Matthew Bishop
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Larry Cooley
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Brahima Sangafowa Coulibaly
Vice President and Director
- Global Economy and Development,
Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Raj M. Desai
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Michael Feuer
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Patrick Fine
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Maria S. Floro
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Louise Fox
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Alejandro J. Ganimian
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Tarek Ghani
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Julia Gillard
Nonresident Distinguished Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Caren Grown
Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Maysa Jalbout
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Ben Jones
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Hayin Kimner
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Elizabeth M. King
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Jeni Klugman
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

M. Ayhan Kose
Deputy Chief Economist
- World Bank Group,
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Johannes F. Linn
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Rose Luckin
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

John Mukum Mbaku
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Ahmadou Aly Mbaye
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

John W. McArthur
- Center for Sustainable Development,
Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Julie McCarthy
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Sarah E. Mendelson
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Allison Minor
Visiting Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Saurabh Mishra
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Jane Nelson
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Jennifer L. O’Donoghue
Deputy Director
- Center for Universal Education,
Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Nonresident Distinguished Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Aloysius Uche Ordu
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Douglas A. Rediker
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development, Center on the United States and Europe

Jenny Perlman Robinson
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Urvashi Sahni
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Naheed Sarabi
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Witney Schneidman
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Jordan Shapiro
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Jim Shelton
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

Vera Songwe
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Africa Growth Initiative

Yun Sun
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Foreign Policy, John L. Thornton China Center, Africa Growth Initiative

Adam Triggs
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Michael Trucano
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education

David G. Victor
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development, Energy Security and Climate Initiative

Priya Vora
Nonresident Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development

Rebecca Winthrop
- Center for Universal Education,
Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development

Mubuso Zamchiya
Nonresident Senior Fellow
- Global Economy and Development, Center for Universal Education