The Brookings Economic Studies program provides analysis of current and emerging economic issues to promote innovative and practical policy solutions.
The Brookings Economic Studies program provides analysis of current and emerging economic issues to promote innovative and practical policy solutions. Economic Studies scholars conduct rigorous research and policy analysis and communicate their findings to inform policymakers and the public in the areas of broad-based economic growth, economic opportunity and mobility, inclusive social policy, sound monetary and fiscal policy, and climate-resilient growth.
Sarah Ahmad, David Wessel
July 30, 2024
Isabel V. Sawhill, Kai Smith
July 30, 2024
William G. Gale
July 30, 2024
1:00 pm - 12:45 pm EDT
The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT
Research by Ben Harris and Robin Brooks on tightening sanctions on Russia’s oil fleet is cited in a story about the Treasury Department’s interest in new penalties.
David Wessel speaks with NPR Morning Edition about former President Donald Trump’s economic proposals, including extensions of his 2017 tax cuts and new tariffs.
A cooling economy “would reinforce their story that (interest rate) policy is restrictive.”
Wendy Edelberg discusses the near-term economic impact of President Biden’s border policies with Politico.
Ben Harris joins Yahoo! Finance to discuss the Federal Reserve’s battle against inflation, and how the Fed’s credibility could have a bad influence on consumer behavior.
If Gruenberg steps down that is a major blow to the Biden administration’s financial regulatory policy through the election.”
Getting rid of the trust fund and simply calling it a day would be perceived as Congress giving up on doing anything about the fiscal trajectory.”
Richard Frank speaks with Bloomberg Law about how a new test for mental health care parity has raised concerns of certain cost controls being eliminated.
On NPR’s Marketplace, Loren Adler spoke about how private equity firms are changing the health care landscape.
If you’re going to TikTok or Facebook to get information about the macroeconomy, the chances are very good that it’s going to be wrong.”
The Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) is a semi-annual academic conference and journal that pairs rigorous research with real-time policy analysis to address the most urgent economic challenges of the day.
1:00 pm - 12:45 pm EDT
Samuel G. Hanson, Victoria Ivashina, Laura Nicolae, Jeremy C. Stein, Adi Sunderam, Daniel K. Tarullo
March 27, 2024
Stefanie Stantcheva
March 27, 2024
Andrew Atkeson, Stephen Kissler
March 27, 2024